Role at FEL
Providing advice to people considering self employment
Working with clients to develop business plans
Assisting clients to apply for Business Loans
Relevant Experience
I have worked at Fermanagh Enterprise for over 10 years advising hundreds of people who are considering self employment or who are running small businesses. I have a Diploma in Business Management.
Favourite thing about your job
I enjoy the social side of my work – meeting new people and helping them as they start their own businesses.
Entrepreneur you admire and why
I have a great deal of admiration for anyone who decides to start their own business – it’s generally not the safe and easy option. Local entrepreneurs such as Mick Keogh and Gareth Beresford deserve a lot of credit.
The secret to running a successful business
I think it’s a combination of a lot of factors. Before you start its important you do your research to ensure there is a demand for the product of service you’re offering. Once you’re up and running its vital you’re offering your customers a high quality and professional service to ensure repeat custom and word of mouth referrals.