Find out about the support available to help you boost your cross-border sales
Innovation Factory is hosting a free workshop on 14 September 2018 to tell you about the support available to help you expand your business into a new cross-border territory.
The session will focus on InterTradeIreland’s Acumen programme, which provides funding to help you to increase your cross-border export sales in Ireland or Northern Ireland, directly supporting you to employ a new recruit in sales and marketing.
As well as Acumen, the facilitators at the workshop will give you an overview of other services available from InterTradeIreland, including:
- the Elevate programme
- Trade Accelerator Vouchers
- Brexit Advisory funding
- innovation support
- business intelligence
Eligibility information and detail on what financial and consultant support may be available will also be given.
The session will include one-to-one consultations after the presentation for those looking to find out more information.
Event details
Date: Friday 14 September 2018
Time: 08:30 -12:00
Venue: Innovation Factory, Belfast
Cost: Free
Find further information and register your place.
Source: NI Business Info