Have you thought about selling your products online but don’t know where to start? Learn how this October, with the following two workshops delivered as part of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s Kick Start Programme.
Workshop 1: ‘The Platforms Available’ Wednesday 16th October 2019
There are many online platforms for traders to begin their eCommerce journey. From Ebay to Amazon, Etsy to NOTHS (Not on the High Street) and fully-fledged eCommerce sites with Shopify. It can be tough figuring out what is best for your business.
This half day course looks at all these options, how easy it is to set up your business store with these platforms as well as the pitfalls. It will give an overview of which platform to choose that fits your business, how to get started and list your first products. This course is aimed at businesses with no current online presence.
Workshop 2: ‘Preparing for E Commerce’ Tuesday 22nd October 2019
This half day course looks at the details behind the back-office management of your eCommerce store.
How to manage shipping options, looking at suppliers to use, shipping costs, managing packaging costs. Creating policies for returns and damage to items in shipment. Creating the detail behind the shipping policy to protect your customer and your business from loss. Options for taking payments, looking a payment providers and options for International orders.
This course is a detailed look at how these have a direct impact on your business and your customers journey
These informative workshops will be delivered by Charlie O’Connor, ThreeSixtyFour as part of Fermanagh Omagh District Council’s Kick Start Programme which supports businesses trading less than three years.
For more information or to Register on one of these workshops email info@fermanaghenterprise.com
Date: Wednesday 16th October and follow up session on Tuesday 22nd October 2019
Time: 10.00am – 12.30pm (followed by lunch)
Location: Abbey House Business Centre, 11 Head Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7JL
This project is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme.