There are a number of reliefs available to business ratepayers.
This guide outlines the various business rates reliefs and allowances available and how to apply for them if you are eligible. These non-domestic rate support schemes include:
- Small Business Rate Relief
- Small Business Rate Relief for small Post Offices
- Charitable Exemption for rates
- Sports and Recreation Rate Relief
- Residential Homes Rate Relief
- Industrial Derating
- Non-Domestic Vacant Rating
- Hardship Rate Relief
- Rural ATMs
- Back in Business rate support (closed to applications)
You should continue to pay your rates while Land & Property Services (LPS) considers your application. This will help you to avoid paying a large amount in one go if your application is unsuccessful. If your application is successful LPS will refund any rates you have overpaid.
Queries on your business rates
If you have a query regarding your business rates you should contact Land & Property Services.
Please note: You can make an appointment to visit the LPS office in Belfast to get help with land registry searches. All Ordnance Survey services are provided online.
Helplines for rating and valuation, housing benefit, rates relief, and land registration are open.
Further information on booking a land registry appointment, service updates, helpline numbers and reaching LPS by email is available on the LPS website
Source: nibusinessinfo