It is critical that small and micro business operators and self-employed are heard, about how they are feeling, and how their business is operating and performing. In the challenging times we are experiencing, whilst completing a survey might not be utmost in priorities, raising voices and providing an honest view at this time is crucial. Completion should take no more than 15 minutes, please take this opportunity to have your vital say. On completion of this survey, there is an opportunity to win £250 voucher to purchase technology for the business or home. Follow this link to go to this year’s survey:
The NI Enterprise Barometer, as you are aware, is a comprehensive piece of insight into the largest part of our economy – self-employed, micro and small businesses.
You will remember we had a fantastic response over the past two years, with the findings informing a lot of our activity and proving to be a rich source of information for central Government, local Government and other enterprise support stakeholders. The contribution from yourself and the team at Fermanagh Enterprise was fantastic and whilst feeding into the overall responses NI wide, it meant we had a strong representation of the Fermanagh & Omagh Council area.
This year’s responses have a critical part to play in garnering timely information from the self -employed, micro and small businesses at this uncertain time. We have had several recent discussions with NIA ministers and other key stakeholders who have expressed their interest in this year’s findings.
As was the case last year the Enterprise NI network is best positioned given our wide geographical spread and local connectivity to ensure the greatest opportunity for a significant NI – wide response.
Resource: Enterprise NI