The Pensions Regulator has launched a new re-enrolment tool as many employers reach their re-enrolment dates in the coming months
Re-enrolment must be carried out every three years and it is a two-stage process. Firstly, employers must check whether they have any staff to re-enrol and ensure those who are eligible are put back into a pension scheme. They must then complete and submit their re-declaration of compliance.
Low opt-out rates mean the majority of employers will not have staff to re-enrol, however they must still complete their re-declaration of compliance to confirm they have checked whether they need to re-enrol any of their staff, even if none were re-enrolled.
Employer’s legal responsibility
While the vast majority of employers are carrying out re-enrolment successfully, some are failing to complete the task correctly. Re-enrolment and re-declaration are the legal duties of employers and if you don’t act you could be fined.
Pension re-enrolment tool
Employers will now be able to re-enrol their staff into a workplace pension more quickly and easily following the launch of the new re-enrolment tool by the Pensions Regulator.
Access the pension re-enrolment tool