Interested in applying for funding for support for traditional industries through the NI Rural Development Programme?
Theme 1 – Rural Business: Growth – Support for Traditional Industries including Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction and related Services
Theme 2 – Rural Business: Innovation – Support for IT, Creative Industries, Specialist Health and Wellbeing and Service Provision; and
Theme 3 – Rural Business: Tourism – Support for Activity Based Tourism, Tourism & Craft Production, Accommodation enhancements & supporting infrastructure
The LAG will be hosting 5 MANDATORY Funding Workshops across the District Council area for THEME 1 only as follows:
Belcoo Community Centre, Belcoo at 7.00pm on Tuesday 8 August 2017
Ecclesville Centre, Fintona at 7.00pm on Wednesday 9 August 2017
Milestone Centre, Carrickmore at 7.00pm Monday 14 August 2017
Castle Park Leisure Centre, Lisnaskea at 7.00pm on Wednesday 16 August 2017
Bawnacre Centre, Irvinestown at 7.00pm on Thursday 17 August 2017
Tea/Coffee will be available from 7.00pm with events commencing at 7:30pm sharp
If you are interested in applying for funding under THEME 1 then attendance at one of the workshops is the only entry point. Please note that attendance also includes the requirement to complete an Expression of Interest form on the night (outlining brief details on the proposed project that you are seeking funding for including anticipated costs). Failure of the business owner if a sole trader, one of the partners if operating a business partnership, or one of the Directors if operating a legal entity registered with Companies House to attend a workshop will result in you being ineligible to apply under this call for applications.
For further details about the Funding Workshops or the Programme please contact Fermanagh and Omagh Local Action Group (LAG) Ltd, 1 Market Street, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 1EE Tel: 028 8225 0202.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a competitive programme. Attendance at a Mandatory Funding Workshop or receipt of an invitation to submit an application for financial assistance having attended a Funding Workshop DOES NOT indicate that your application/the project will be awarded financial assistance.