Thinking of starting a business or becoming self-employed?
Join us for our FREE information evening in Enniskillen Business Centre on Thursday 28th February from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
The Go for it programme run by local councils in Northern Ireland can help you get your business started.
Come along and get your questions answered by friendly business advisors and get advice from past Go for it clients.
Guest Speaker: Deirdre O Connor Cyberia
Pizza and refreshments for everyone and a friendly welcome awaits. PLUS all attendees will be added into a draw to WIN £100 Amazon Giftcard!
And remember we’re for any business ideas. Big or small.
To find a list of all open evening locations please visit goforitni
This project is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme.