Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has recently launched two business support programmes which will offer free business support to a total of 500 businesses throughout the District Council area over the next four years.
The Kick Start Programme is now open for businesses to apply and will run until the end of July 2021. The Kick Start Programme has been awarded to Enterprise Northern Ireland and will be delivered in partnership with Omagh Enterprise Company Ltd and Fermanagh Enterprise Ltd and Advancing Business Growth is being delivered by Global Education Ltd (GEL) NI.
The Kick Start Programme will have a two tier approach of support to businesses as follows:
- Tier 1 – a series of workshops covering key business topics such as accessing finance; recruitment of staff; financial management/bookkeeping and marketing to businesses within the first 12 months of completing RSI/NIBSP or setting up business through other means.
- Tier 2 – up to a maximum of four days one-to-one mentor support to businesses still in operation 12 months and up to a maximum of 36 months after completing RSI/NIBSP or setting up by other means and who can demonstrate the potential to create jobs.
There is a rolling recruitment process for the programme and to request support please click here.
More information on Advance Business Growth Programme, please contact Linda Caldwell or Karan McLernon by telephone on 0300 303 1777 or email linda.caldwell@fermanaghomagh.com or karan.mclernon@fermanaghomagh.com.