Got a business idea?

Got a business idea? Not sure where to begin? Discover the Go For It programme for helpful advice and support. The Go For It Programme is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme. We work with you to develop a business…

How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

As a manager, you will handle hundreds of workplace disputes throughout your career. Although this is an undesirable part of your job, it is sometimes unavoidable. The important thing that you have to take from this experience is how to properly handle a workplace dispute, without causing any additional tension. As a leader, it’s important…

How to Write a Winning Tender Proposal

Are you applying for government tenders? You should be. Globally, government tenders are worth a huge 18% of GDP, and in the Republic of Ireland, the largest buyer from Irish suppliers is the Irish government. Yet you could be one of the many business owners who don’t attempt to compete for government tenders, which could be in…

Innovate UK Life and Health Sciences event

Find out about new health and well-being innovation funding opportunities Innovate UK is holding a briefing event with Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) on the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and the two health related challenges: data to early diagnosis and precision medicine healthy ageing The first of the challenges will focus on enhancing the power of…